
Arte, disegno e critica


Hyperuranium Art

Un gruppo dall'atmosfera tranquilla dedicato alla tecnica artistica in cui condividere le proprie opere e opinioni. Il posto giusto per gli utenti alla ricerca di una critica costruttiva.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Chiacchiera e relax


Hyperuranium Cafe

Il luogo in cui i membri del Network si ritrovano per chiacchierare del più e del meno. Spensierato e rilassante, è adatto ad ogni topic di conversazione.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Scienze e Tecnologia


Hyperuranium Lab

Una chat orientata alle discipline scientifiche, alla fisica e all'informatica in cui esporre progetti e chiedere pareri. Un laboratorio dall'approccio divulgativo e votato alla curiosità.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs

RP Corner

RolePlay, GDR e Worldbuilding


Hyperuranium RP Corner

Un angolo di chiacchiera e organizzazione dedicato a tutti gli appassionati del gioco di ruolo e della narrativa libera. Dai forma al tuo universo e racconta le gesta dei tuoi eroi.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Giochi, videogiochi e partite


Hyperuranium Games

Una sala destinata agli amanti del videogioco in cui raccontare aneddoti delle proprie partite e organizzarne di nuove in compagnia.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Fumetti, Serie TV e Cinema


Hyperuranium Pop

Un gruppo dedicato alla cultura mediatica. Perfetto per approfondire e condividere le proprie opinioni su Film, fumetti, manga e anime e discutere sia dei grandi classici che delle nuove uscite.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Cultura ed eclettismo


Hyperuranium Humanitas

Un'aula di dibattito orientato all'obiettività pragmatica e all'argomentazione per tutti gli argomenti di umano interesse, dalle Arti alla filosofia, dalla storia all'archeologia, alla psicologia e alla politica.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Veicoli e motori


Hyperuranium Motion

Il raduno degli appassionati di motori di ogni tipo. Che sia benzina o cherosene, ogni veicolo troverà qui un ambiente di conversazione pulito in cui far sfrecciare le proprie idee.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Ispirazione artistica


Hyperuranium Ispirarte

L'angolo dell'espressione artistica e della passione per le arti visive e musicali. Una finestra per un mondo ricco di valore.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Biologia ed ecologia


Hyperuranium Nature

Un ambiente dedicato alle scienze naturali in cui poter accrescere e proprie conoscenze riguardo il mondo in cui viviamo e le forme di vita che lo abitano.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Umorismo becero


Hyperuranium Memes

Battute? Idiozie? Le vuoi? Tutte tue, amico mio! Scherza e gioca con le beffe e burle del Web!


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs


Piatti e ricette


Hyperuranium Masterchef

Un ricettario a più mani dove scambiarsi consigli e trucchi del mestiere per gli addetti e non ai fornelli.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs

Hyperuranium Pop

Fumetti, Serie TV e Cinema

Un gruppo dedicato alla cultura mediatica. Perfetto per approfondire e condividere le proprie opinioni su Film, fumetti, manga e anime e discutere sia dei grandi classici che delle nuove uscite.


A.0 - The group is open to all users unless otherwise noted
A.0.1 - Users must be adult to access the group
A.0.2 - Users must have sincere interest toward the group topic
A.0.3 - Users must be willing to actively participate
A.0.4 - Users must be living beings
A.0.5 - È vietato accedere al gruppo con più di un account per capite

A.1 - The group is private and may not be construed as a public service
A.1.1 - Access to the group is a granted privilege, not a right
A.1.2 - Access to the group can be revoked at any time by unilateral decision of the Administrative Council

A.2 - The group is accessed through an approval system.


B.0 - All users must write an introduction upon joining the group
B.0.1 - The introduction can be brief and does not have to contain any personal information
B.0.2 - The introduction must contain a name or pseudonym
B.0.3 - The introduction must be posted immediately upon entry
B.0.4 - Users who don't introduce themselves in a reasonable timeframe will be temporarily banned and will need to contact an Administrator to access the group again
B.0.5 - A user's introduction can contain a link to their social profiles or other online presence

B.1 - All users must be respectful and polite to each other
B.1.1 - Personal attacks are forbidden
B.1.2 - Foul language directed at others is forbidden
B.1.3 - Belittlement or mockery of others' persons and/or creations is forbidden

B.2 - Fighting is forbidden
B.2.1 - All matters must be addressed through calm, polite discussion
B.2.2 - Conflict must always be de-escalated
B.2.3 - Language and behaviour deemed to be contextually inflammatory is forbidden

B.3 - Sexually explicit or suggestive behaviour is forbidden
B.3.1 - Flirtatious or allusive comments are forbidden
B.3.2 - Portraying oneself as seeking sexual and/or romantic relationships is forbidden
B.3.3 - Usage of the group in any way, shape or form akin to a dating site is forbidden
B.3.4 - Public expression of sexual feelings and inclinations such as arousal is forbidden
B.3.5 - Erotic Role Playing (ERP) in the group chat is forbidden
B.3.6 - Role Playing (RP) in the group chat is forbidden

B.4 - The group is not a marketplace
B.4.1 - Posts meant to advertise, plan or facilitate the transfer of goods and/or services are forbidden
B.4.2 - Users are forbidden from advertising their commercial ventures or goods/services they are selling
B.4.3 - Users are forbidden from using the public chat to seek the services of others, e.g.: 'looking for an artist'
B.4.4 - La promozione di trading, cryptocurrency and multi level marketing schemes is absolutely forbidden
B.4.5 - Users may inquire about special permission to advertise in an Administrator's private chat

B.5 - The group is a public space and operates as a community
B.5.1 - Users are forbidden from using the group member list to contact other users privately
B.5.2 - Using the public chat for private purposes is forbidden
B.5.3 - Contacting users in public chat to discuss matters concerning only the two users involved is forbidden. Private matters must be kept to private chat and not involve the group
B.5.4 - Users are allowed to share personal information, however they should be mindful they do so of their own volition and at their own risk


C.0 - Users enjoy ample freedom of speech and expression in the group which they exercise within specific boundaries
C.0.1 - Profanity is forbidden when directed at others in an insulting fashion
C.0.2 - Content which constitutes or is adjacent to child pornography and paedophilia is highly forbidden
C.0.3 - General pornographic content is allowed if and only if its posting serves a specific purpose in the public discussion, in accordance with the group topic

C.1 - The public discourse in the group is intended to be revolving around a specific group topic
C.1.1 - While off-topic discourse is generally permitted, straying too far, too wildly or too frequently from the topic is frowned upon
C.1.2 - Straying from the topic in a manner which is deemed obstructive of the function or atmosphere of the group is a punishable offence
C.1.3 - An off-topic, general discussion dedicated chat is provided for users to express themselves on off-topic themes freely

C.2 - Some types of content and discourse are specifically frowned upon and forbidden
C.2.1 - Content which is meaningless, serves no purpose or is posted without an apparent or specified reason is forbidden
C.2.2 - Content which is redundant, obstructive or otherwise akin to spam is forbidden
C.2.3 - Content which constitutes self-promotion is forbidden unless the user obtained authorisation from the Administrative Council beforehand


D.0 - The Administrative Council is the sole retainer of group leadership and enforcement powers
D.0.1 - The deliberations of an Administrator have the same relevance and coercive power of written rule
D.0.2 - In response to violations, the Administrative Council will determine appropriate punishment at its discretion
D.0.3 - Administrative decisions are carefully deliberated by the Administrative Council as a whole

D.1 - Only Administrators hold the moderation and enforcement powers
D.1.1 - Users are welcome to help improve the group, however acting as an Administrator is forbidden
D.1.2 - In the event of an incident users are strongly encouraged not to engage and let the Administrators handle the situation
D.1.3 - Users are strongly encouraged to contact an Administrator privately to report any concerns, violations or wrongdoings they may be victim of or witness to

D.2 - The group chat is not the correct place to discuss conduct, moderation and administration topics
D.2.1 - The proper channel for discussing conduct, moderation and administration topics is the Administrators' private chats
D.2.2 - Questions and suggestions can always be addressed to an Administrator's private chat
D.2.3 - Dissenting opinions are best voiced in an Administrator's private chat
D.2.4 - All users have the right to contact an Administrator in private chat about topics concerning the group
D.2.5 - Administrative decisions must never be directly contested publicly; The proper channel for appeals and opinions is the Administrator's private chat

D.3 - Special requests for permissions and exceptions must be made to an Administrator in private chat
D.3.1 - Links to other groups and social media content must always be approved by and Administrator via private chat
D.3.2 - Messages and content promoting oneself's accounts, profiles or involving monetary or popularity gain must always be approved by an Administrator via private chat
D.3.3 - Posting of personal creations either directly or via external link is allowed provided the creation is recent or relevant and/or useful to the ongoing discussion
D.3.4 - All links posted must be direct. URL shorteners are permitted if and only if they don't include a monetisation component or ad stage

D.4 - Administrators issue warnings and take corrective actions in any way, shape or measure they deem fit
D.4.1 - Administrative intervention can be classified in three broad categories: Instructions, Warnings and Punishment
D.4.2 - Instructions are meant to tell a user how to proceed in the group activities or to warn them against potential issues that may arise from their behaviour
D.4.3 - Administrators issue Instructions when they deem no real harm to have occurred and they wish to advise or educate the user without attaching penalties
D.4.4 - While Instructions carry no penalty themselves, failure to observe their contents can result in further administrative actions
D.4.5 - Warnings are issued when the user has committed an offence and the Administrator wishes to censor their behaviour immediately
D.4.6 - Users who receive a warning must obey the Administrator's command and cease the contested behaviour immediately.
D.4.7 - Failure to heed a warning will result in punishment


E.2 - Users are expected to engage in group chat with an express interest in the group topic
E.2.1 - Usage of the group for purposes extraneous to the group topic is forbidden
E.2.2 - Users who feign interest in the group topic only to further a different agenda will incur punishment

E.7 - The group has periods of silence
E.7.1 - Since the group has precise purposes it is only used when such purposes become relevant to its users
E.7.2 - The group is not 'dead'. There is no need to 'revive' it without express purpose
E.7.3 - Silent periods should not be interpreted as freedom to spam or otherwise sidestep regulations on content

E.8 - The group is against 'drama' of all kinds
E.8.1 - The group is not concerned about the behaviour of other groups or users outside it
E.8.2 - It is forbidden to publicly post rants or complaints about other groups or users not present in the group
E.8.3 - Any content which can be likened to or defined 'drama' about other people, communities and events is strictly forbidden
E.8.4 - The friendly and calm atmosphere of the group is one of its founding principles and will be protected at all costs

Cliccando su "UNISCITI ORA!" affermi di aver letto e accettato il regolamento.